My family tree

Walter Henry (Anne) Van der Wal + Adrianna Pieternella Gozina (Jennie) den Dekker

3 children

Parents Grandparents

C:\home\site\wwwroot\family\app\Media.php:106 Call to a member function getNote() on null #0 \app\Media.php:577 Error("Call to a member function getNote() on null") #1 \app\Individual.php:452 displayImage() #2 \app\Theme\AbstractTheme.php:743 displayImage() #3 \app\Functions\FunctionsPrint.php:62 individualBox([Individual I1144@1]) #4 \app\Functions\FunctionsCharts.php:259 printPedigreePerson([Individual I1144@1], 1) #5 \family.php:88 printFamilyParents([Family F733@1])
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